To our delight Kolisi’s new boot, manufactured by our friends from @animotioncare has arrived, a mere 8 days after their first visit. What amazing, fast service these guys have delivered, and that over New Year’s as well!
This new boot will mean comfortable, supported healing and much easier wound access and treatment. The casts we have done over the past month worked really well, but now that the tissues filled out, the casts put pressure on these tissues causing some of the new cells to die off. The new boot was manufactured with room around the wound areas to alleviate the pressure, making Kolisi a lot more comfortable. It also takes weight off the bottom of his foot and restricts overall movement to allow the growth of connective tissues around the bone that was exposed with his injury, a timely process.
So far it looks like our boy is happy and comfortable with his new addition and placed full weight on the boot minutes after the tranquilizer was reversed. Luan, Werner and the Team from Animotion you guys are amazing. Thank you so much for what you have done for this little rhino. You are now deservedly #rhinoheroes.