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The Rhino Orphanage Fun Run

April 13, 2015

The month of March flew by at the rhino orphanage. One of our volunteers, Angie, went home toward the beginning of the month. We will miss the humor and fun she brought to our team. However, the day she left we welcomed back our vet nurse and team member, Laura. We are so happy to have her expertise and her spunk back. We are also so excited to welcome Tina Perrow as our new fundraiser chair. We are thrilled for her new ideas on ways to raise funds to help our rhino babies.

The Rhino Orphanage Fun Run took place on March 28. We were so excited to have over 100 people sign up and attend the race. Plus, donations were raised from individual donations as well as from the auction. Pete Richardson was amazingly able to auction off used tea bags, plastic bags, and medals all for 50USD each! To everyone who participated, donated, and overall supported the Fun Run and The Rhino Orphanage, we can’t thank you enough!!