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A Baby Rhino Family

February 5, 2015

The year 2015 started off well at The Rhino Orphanage.  The three babies that came to us in December; Kumba, Lunga, and Faith, were put together in the same camp. At first Lunga and Faith were not too sure about having an older brother but after some time and of course a bit of intense smelling of each other a bond was formed. Now they play, graze together, wallow in the mud together, and sleep cuddled up oh so soundly. On walks they often walk in a straight line, Kumba in front followed by Lunga and the rear is brought up by Faith. They are now a cute little family.

The month has brought scorching heat as well as buckets of rain, but with the rain has come lush vegetation throughout the orphanage, which is making our rhinos very happy. Filling their bellies with good nutrients that they need to grow big and strong. Also, there are often many other animal friends and their babies that emerge from the bush to investigate. The wart hogs, wildebeest, mongooses, and many others enjoy saying hi.

This month unfortunately meant that one of the volunteer vet nurses, Carolyn, had to go home. She was such a hard worker and truly a lot of fun. We hated to say goodbye. We will miss her very much. However, we now have a new volunteer, Angie. We are very excited to have her and are looking forward to the upcoming months with her.