** New Arrival on Tuesday**
The last 72 hours has been tough, tiring and emotional for our Team as we admitted a calf in the early hours of Tuesday morning. The little boy aged between 8 and 10 months old was kept under infrareds and blankets as the icy winter night of -1 degrees Celsius left our team stiff, shivering and sore in the transport trailer.
We offloaded the calf into his overnight room the next morning and initially only removed earplugs so that he may grow accustomed to his new surroundings bit by bit.
He has not yet taken to the bottle and after wearing a blindfold for well over 24 hours, the decision was made to remove it so that his eyes are not damaged. He is still charging everyone and everything and is obviously a very scared and tired little boy. His calls for mom echoed deeply and urgently throughout the night but two carers have been with him every step of the way. At least he is in good physical condition has no injuries except a broken heart, which we are positive will be mended by the love and care of everyone in our team.
PS: Eyes are blindfolded and ears plugged to minimize stress and outside stimuli.
Please keep Davide in your prayers.
27 July 2018 – Update
We have made good progress with little Davi and allthough he still doesnt want to drink milk he is taking lots of dry food.
Davi has gone from very scared, charging and bashing everything, to allowing contact through a barrier, to allowing a carer to sit with him, to spending time outside in the warm sunshine. All in about 3 days time. Such a brave little man. We wull be introducing him to our orphaned girls Lolli & Lotti ❤ this afternoon.