The world’s first dedicated Rhino Orphanage is delighted to announce the fist school in the world to be accorded official partner status. The Reddam House Waterfal School in Johannesburg, South Africa, took the rhino crisis into their hearts and asked if they could become an official supporter, helping their children understand the crisis in rhino poaching and help save as many babies as possible and as their school motto says “we shall give back”, they are giving back to the orphanage.
Their first official event is a “Friendship and Bubbles” day, when they will be selling bubbles to the children with the proceeds going to The Rhino Orphanage. What does friendship and bubbles have to do with the Rhino Orphanage? The junior pre-school selected baby rhino Nyani as their first rhino to support because she loves blowing bubbles.
Over 400 children and teachers from the Junior Prep School as will be attending this event. Arrie van Deventer, founder of The Rhino Orphanage said: “Children have an amazing affinity with baby animals and we are delighted that the children and staff at Reddam House Watefall School have taken our orphans to their hearts. Every single Rand will go directly to the care, rehabilitation and release of Nyani, who we hope will live a long and secure life after the trauma she suffered.
“The future of the rhino species lies in the hands of the young people of our world and we are all inspired by these children and their passion to help in any way they can.”